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Quick Answers To Your Jewelry Questions


Do you wear jewelry? If you said no, you probably do not know yet what it could do for your looks and outfits. If you said yes, are you wearing jewelry that really brings forward your personality and most attractive features? Read these tips to find out how to wear jewelry.

If you are looking to purchase sterling silver jewelry online, make sure to also purchase a silver acid testing kit. Such kits are widely available online as well for under ten dollars. They provide a safe way for you to acid test the jewelry you receive to make sure of its authenticity. This way, if you are purchasing a vintage piece that may not be hallmarked, you are still able to know that you have not been scammed.

If you have a round face, stay away from long dangling earrings. Such earrings generally make your face look rounder and draws attention away from great features you may have. Instead, opt to purchase small dangling earrings or stud earrings for a look that enhances your round face and features.

You don’t have to settle with the traditional clear diamonds. Diamonds are available in practically every color in the rainbow. They come in blue, pink, red, yellow, brown, black, purple and many more colors. You can find pieces where colored diamonds are the focal point or you can find pieces where they act like accents.

Essential to anyone buying jewelry for reclamation purposes is a pocket-sized gram and carat scale. While a scale can’t determine the purity of the gold and silver you encounter in your jewelry hunting, a pocket scale can at least give you a basic starting point to determine fair pricing and valuing of your jewelry finds.

Ask your salesperson how they recommend you clean your new purchases. Different gemstones require different care processes. Your salesperson is most likely the best person to tell you great care methods for your individual piece. Knowing these methods can greatly increase the lifespan of your jewelry pieces, and keep them looking new for much longer.

If you choose to make and sell jewelry at craft bazaars or flea markets, take time to ensure that each piece has a clearly marked price tag that cannot be tampered with, yet can be removed without damaging the merchandise. Although nobody likes to think that theft can happen to them, it is best to protect your investment of time and money.

To convey a sense of physical prowess, energy, passion, and love, look for pieces that incorporate deep red stones like rubies and red garnets. Red is an especially powerful color that is best suited to bold rings and necklaces that allow the stone to take center stage. Rubies are also popularly known as the birthstone for the month of July.

When it comes to quality and price, don’t count synthetic gemstones out. These gems, which are created in a lab, appear remarkably similar to the real thing. Take this into consideration as you shop for your next piece of jewelry: Rather than spending exorbitant amounts of money for a natural stone, opt for an affordable synthetic stone. The money saved on the stone can go toward a more intricate or higher-quality metal, such as platinum.

Always take off all types of jewelry before you go to sleep. This will help you to avoid two major problems at the same time. The first is that it is easy to lose pieces in your sleep. The second problem is that sleeping on jewelry can add stress to it and greatly shorten the lifespan.

If your jewelry is causing skin irritation, there are certain steps you can take to minimize it. You can use a small amount of powder on the skin in the area the jewelry will be touching. This helps absorb moisture, which will then lessen the chances of allergies or irritation.

Dress up your outfit with inexpensive cocktail rings! You can pick these up at garage sales, flea markets and discount stores for a fraction of the price of gold and silver jewelry. Rhinestones and faux pearls look just as striking, and you do not have to worry about losing or damaging an expensive piece of jewelry!

When it comes to jewelry, be sure that you listen for compliments from people that you respect and let that guide you as to the frequency that you wear a particular piece. This is important because there is obviously something about it that compliments your style and who better to listen to than your own peers.

If you are wearing a dress or blouse with an attractive pattern, a lot of embroidery, lace or other focal point, skip wearing a necklace. Instead, focus on earrings and rings that will complement and enhance the interesting points of your clothing. Simple anklets are also a nice touch with ornate clothing.

Store your earrings on a long piece of ribbon. Tie the ends of the ribbon to each end of your mirror and then tack the earrings to the ribbon, using the backs to keep them in place. This gives you easy access to your favorite pairs, and is also a decorative feature in your bedroom or bathroom.

If you’re looking for a strand of pearls, consider cultured pearls. They are a beautiful option, and come in many different colors. They are also a fraction of the cost of natural pearls. Natural pearls are extremely rare and so, extremely expensive. Cultured pearls are easier to find and easier to afford too.

Jewelry is above all a matter of taste, but you can do your best to use jewelry as a way of displaying a certain aspect of your personality or to express your feelings towards someone. After reading these tips, you should have a better idea of the subtle nuances behind jewelry.

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